Ironing point in your area in Belgium

  • Perfectly ironed by professionals
  • Pay with service vouchers
  • An ironing point in your area
  • Flexible hours 
Request ironing help Find an ironing point in your area

An ironing point in your area

No time or energy to tackle your ironing pile? Our enthusiastic ironing helpers would love to do the work for you. Drop off your ironing at an ironing point in your area, and we'll do the rest. Your ironing will be ready in a few days. All you have to do is pick it up.

Where can you find us?


What can you expect?

Experienced professionals

An unintended crease, overheated iron or not enough steam: ironing is more difficult than you think. Trust our professionals to deliver flawless results.

No time or energy to tackle your ironing pile? Drop off your items at an ironing point in your area.

Flexible hours

You can also drop off or pick up ironing at an Ironing Point after business hours. Ask your ironing helper about it.


Payment using service vouchers

Pay your ironing helper quickly and easily with service vouchers. It is convenient and tax advantageous.


What you need to know

Our cleaners can also help you with your ironing. Combine your cleaning and ironing services and save even more time. You don't need to leave your house and we can take other household chores off your hands. 

Praktische vragen en antwoorden

Pay your ironing helper quickly and easily with service vouchers. That is both convenient  and tax advantageous. You pay for your ironing with a points system. So, you can work out in advance how many service vouchers you will need for an ironing basket. No surprises. The total number of points determines the number of service vouchers. 

You will find the rates for ironing points below:

Ironing point (home ironers)

Please put your clean laundry in a laundry basket. That way, nothing can get lost. Moreover, this makes it easier for you. Just put the basket in the trolley and drop it at your Ironing Point. Bring clothes hangers if you prefer to receive your shirts or trousers back that way.

Your laundry will be easier to iron if:

  • You hang up wet clothes immediately after washing them. 
  • You take your clothes out of the dryer immediately after the programme has finished.
  • You don't put too many clothes in one laundry basket. It is preferable to use two baskets to stack everything lightly.

Never deliver wet laundry to your ironing helper. It cannot be neatly ironed.

Absolutely. Our ironers handle your ironing with care and only work with professional equipment. If damage does occur, you are insured. You can file a claim from €150 in damage. You can email your claim to your consultant.

“When I'm on my way to work, I sometimes drop off a basket of shirts at a Helan Ironing Point. A few days later, I pick them up and they've been carefully ironed. Takes hardly any time and the service is friendly!”

Stijn, 37 years old

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