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Ironing service
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Request ironing services

Leave your ironing to us. An employee will contact you as soon as possible to put you in contact with one of our many ironing points.

Housecleaning help with service vouchers

Need help? You can rely on one of our regular household helpers. Payment can be made using service vouchers.

Helan Kinderdagverblijven

Onze ervaren kinderbegeleiders vangen je kind op in een kindvriendelijke, stimulerende en warme sfeer.


Nood aan helpende handen? Wij bieden ondersteuning voor jonge ouders. Vertrouw op ons voor verzorging, opvolging en advies.

Duurzaamheid kinderopvang

Kleine voetjes, groot verschil! Zo verkleinen we onze ecologische voetafdruk.

Helan. All about well-being.

High expectations for your health insurance fund? We understand. As well as providing you with fast and transparent reimbursements of your medical costs, we are a partner for you. Receive benefits if you are ill, choose an affordable hospitalisation and dental insurance policy, enjoy extra benefits for your health and receive care tailored to you in every phase of you and your family members' lives.

Discover Helan Health Insurance Fund

A broad view of your wellbeing