Hospitalia Medium

Complete peace of mind

  • The tranquillity of a single room 
  • 60 days of pre- and 180 days of aftercare 
  • Help at home after your admission with Hospitalia Assist 
  • Fully insured with no limit 
  • Fee-based remuneration reimbursed up to 200%
Starting from €6,94 /month
Get cover now

Affordable comfort for all.

If you are admitted to hospital, you can depend on having comfort. The tranquillity of a single room, comprehensive pre-admission care and aftercare and extra help after your admission: you can depend on this insurance policy. Created with you and your family in mind. 

With Hospitalia Medium, you will be affordably insured in the event of an operation, childbirth or illness. Day admissions, doctor surcharges and high costs in the event of a  serious illness: we have thought of everything. You will even receive reimbursements before and after your hospital admission.

Already have insurance?

Practical questions and answers about your reimbursement en hospital admission.

What does Hospitalia Medium cover?

The tranquillity of a single room

If you have an overnight stay in hospital, you can choose the peace and privacy of a single room without worrying about the financial impact.


Pre-admission care and aftercare

Doctor’s consultations, medications, physical therapy... sometimes you need additional care before and after hospitalisation. You will be reimbursed for those costs, too.


Hospitalia Assist

Support at home before, during and after your hospitalisation, or when you are seriously ill. Receive up to €1000 twice per year for home help.


Hospitalisation expenses

With Hospitalia Medium, you are insured for most expenses associated with a hospital admission, with no annual limit – even if you are hospitalised in a foreign coun|try.


Serious Illnesses Guarantee Option

Becoming seriously ill? Receive up to €7000 per year extra for medical costs over and above a hospitalisation with the Serious Illnesses Guarantee Option, from just €0.32 per month.


More reimbursements

Accommodation expenses associated with hospitalisation will be reimbursed. But you are also covered for other expenses that are not covered by statutory health insurance – including rooming-in, patient transport and home births.


How do Hospitalia Medium and Hospitalia (Plus) compare?

Hospitalia, Hospitalia Medium, or Hospitalia Plus? Of course, what you want a hospitalisation insurance policy to do is to cover what is important to you. Every one of our three policies provide cover that is tailored to you and your family. And they offer excellent value for money. Compare to find out which policy suits you best

Become a customer

Arrange a consultation

Would you prefer to talk to someone? Would you like some help joining the fund? We're more than happy to help. Schedule an online video chat or an in-person meeting at an office near you.

Make an appointment

Join the insurance fund online.

Completely won over? Buying insurance doesn’t have to be a hassle. Simply fill in your details to join Helan Health Insurance Fund, Care Fund or to buy additional policies such as Hospitalia and Dentalia Plus right away.

Join now

Included: €1000 in assistance, twice a year

Hospitalia Assist is not an option or a guarantee, but assistance. And it is  completely included in your insurance policy – at no extra cost. You will receive up to €1000 twice a year for household help, childcare or medical transport.

Practical questions and answers

  • Toiletries, cosmetics, food, wines, mineral waters and luxury expenses. 
  • Aesthetic treatments. 
  • Dental implants, dental prostheses and any related treatments. 
  • Rejuvenation treatments. 
  • Expenses associated with experimental treatments and medicines. 
  • Expenses associated with medical treatments intentionally undergone abroad and not authorised by the compulsory insurance medical officer. 
  • Any expenses subject to VAT. 

Please see the summary of treatments that Hospitalia does not cover. Would you like more information? Get free, no-obligation advice.

Exactly how much you pay for hospitalisation insurance depends on the policy package, your age, the number of people in your family and the options you selected with your insurance cover. Helan’s hospitalisation insurance is accessible to everyone, thanks to policy packages that are tailored to your needs. More information about the pricing of the Hospitalia policy packages is available on this page.

Every insurance policy has a waiting period. This is the amount of time that you have to wait before you can get reimbursements. At Helan, the waiting period is limited to just six months. Pregnancy and childbirth are exceptions, for which a waiting period of up to nine months may be applicable.

But emergencies don't always obey laws, of course. Do you need urgent medical care after an accident? In such cases, the waiting period is waived. And if you had a similar policy before you joined, the waiting period will be waived as well.

Yes. You can get cover through one of our insurance policies only if you are already a Helan Health Insurance Fund customer. Becoming a customer is quick and easy, online. Once you apply, you can arrange your insurance cover right away. Also good to know: if you have previously had similar insurance, your waiting period will be waived.

Become a customer

Every hospitalisation insurance application requires completing a medical questionnaire, and this is also the case for Helan's insurance policies. In this questionnaire, we ask questions about your medical history.

For certain medical conditions, a medical report will be requested after you complete the questionnaire. You can obtain this report from your GP or consulting physician, and submit it to the health insurance fund. This will be used to decide whether you will be assigned an insurance restriction for this pre-existing medical condition. We recommend that you always fill in this questionnaire truthfully. If the medical questionnaire contains inaccuracies or is incomplete, reimbursement will be refused.

If you applied for insurance when you transferred to Helan from another health insurance fund, then we may only accept your file, and therefore your policy request, on the first day of each quarter: on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July or 1 October. These periods are determined by law. For example, did you apply to become a customer on 6 February? Then your previous health insurance fund has until 1 April to close your file. From then on, you will be registered with Helan and your insurance cover will also be effective from that date.

Some hospitals in Brussels and Wallonia and also Ghent University Hospital (UZGent) apply very high doctor's surcharges, up to 500%.

  • If you are insured with Hospitalia and stay in a single room in one of these hospitals, we charge a deductible of €150. However, Hospitalia does reimburse the doctor's surcharges up to 100%.
  • If you are insured with Hospitalia Medium and stay in a single room in one of these hospitals, we charge a deductible of €150. However, Hospitalia Medium does reimburse doctor's surcharges up to 200%.
  • If you are insured with Hospitalia Plus and stay in a single room in one of these hospitals, we charge a deductible of €150. However, Hospitalia Plus does reimburse doctor's surcharges up to 300%.
  • We will never charge a deductible in a multi-person room in these hospitals.
  • For an admission in a single room in another hospital, beyond this list, we never charge a deductible.
  • Do you have a planned admission in one of these hospitals? Contact us so we can advise you on how to optimise your reimbursement.

You can download the certificate of membership right away via My Helan.

  • Select the family members who you would like to download a certificate for. Only the family members registered on your hospitalisation insurance can be ticked. 
  • Click the download button and the certificate of membership will be automatically created for the family members you have indicated.

What are the terms and conditions? 

Wondering what exactly Hospitalia Medium insurance entails?

  • View the general conditions and info sheets for each of VMOB MLOZ Insurance's insurance products on our overview page.

Unlike overnight admissions, reimbursements for day admissions are limited to €80 for the room supplement, instead of €125, and 100% of the doctor's surcharge, instead of 200%.  That is why we recommend choosing a multi-occupancy room for single-day admissions. 

You can join Hospitalia Medium until the age of 65. Are you 66 or older? Then you are still eligible for our Hospitalia hospitalisation insurance policy

Yes. Hospitalia Medium offers protection for your whole family. As a family insurance policy , it is mandatory to include everyone in your family, unless a family member already has similar insurance. 

Become a customer

Every insurance policy has a waiting period. This refers to the period of time spanning from the date that you join to when you can effectively start receiving reimbursements. For Hospitalia Medium, the waiting period is limited to six months. So you are financially protected 6 months after joining if you are hospitalised. 

You can stop your insurance at any time with a cancellation notice period of at least one month. The notice period starts on the first day of the month following the date you discontinued your insurance. You can find the standard cancellation form in My Helan. It  can be sent by registered post to: Boomsesteenweg 5, 2610 Wilrijk.  You can also drop off your letter at your Helan office or upload it via our contact form.

Think carefully before you decide to stop your insurance. Hospitalisation is becoming increasingly expensive, and pre-admission and aftercare costs also run high. With our hospitalisation insurance, you will be able to sleep soundly if you are admitted and avoid financial worries after an (unexpected) hospitalisation. Make an appointment with an adviser if you have any questions about your insurance or premium contributions.

You need to complete a medical questionnaire when you join Hospitalia. On this basis, the medical adviser may decide to accept your registration with a restriction or exclusion with regard to reimbursements related to the disease. If you are admitted for a reason other than the condition mentioned in the medical questionnaire, you will be reimbursed (in full). 

“After six separate day admissions for pneumonia and ear tubes, the hospital bill for my daughter Charlotte was seriously escalating. But thanks to Hospitalia, I had no need to worry. We were reimbursed €750 for the hospital costs, as well as for appointments with specialists, physiotherapy and lab tests, before and after admission.”


Helan Independent Health Insurance Fund is the insurance agent (n° CDZ 5006c) for ‘MLOZ Insurance’, the VMOB of Independent Health Insurance Funds, (Register of Legal Entities in Brussels, 422.189.629, recognised under no. CDZ 750/01 for branches 2 and 18). View the data sheet and the General Terms and Conditions. Belgian law applies to the insurance contract. The term of the contract is whole life. In the event of any complaint, contact the complaints department of Helan Health Insurance Fund or the insurance ombudsman. For more information about purchasing this/these product(s), please contact Helan Health Insurance Fund. Helan Onafhankelijk ziekenfonds, Boomsesteenweg 5, 2610 Wilrijk, 0411.696.011, RPR Antwerpen,