Scheduling or cancelling your household help

You decide when your household helper comes by. Find out here how to plan, change and cancel appointments easily.

How can I easily consult my household helper's schedule?

With the household help app, you always have your schedule in your pocket. View an overview of your appointments, change scheduling, request extra hours – it can all be done in a screen tap. Find out what you can do with the app here and download it!

Download the app

Can I decide when to have my household helper come by?

You decide how often and when your household helper comes. Simply tell us your preferred days. We will ensure that the timetable fits your schedule perfectly.

You decide how often and when your household helper comes. Simply provide us with your preferred days and we will arrange a timetable that fits your schedule.

Request household help here and provide us with your preferred days straight away.

Do you have a busy week ahead? Or perhaps you are planning a big party and need every inch of your house to sparkle. In that case, you can rely on an extra pair of helping hands. If the scheduled working hours of your regular household helper are not sufficient due to circumstances, you can request temporary extra help. Depending on the availability of your household helper, extra hours can be scheduled or we will find another colleague to help out. You can do this using the app: on the home screen, just tap the plus sign to request an extra appointment. If you don't use the app, simply send an email to your consultant.

Request extra help using the app

If you are on holiday and your household helper does not need to come, you can cancel five times a year free of charge. You can do this using the app or by sending an email to your consultant. Find out all about it further below under 'Can I cancel my household help' .

Can I cancel a household help appointment?

All our household helpers have a permanent employment contract. We schedule them with you for a full year at a time and hope that they will be welcome with you for that entire period. Do you not need help at home for a while? Be sure to let us know in time. That way we can find a solution for your household help quickly. Cancelling a household help appointment can easily be done via the Household Help app.


You can cancel your household help up to five times a year at no cost. However, we do ask you to give us at least five working days' notice.


Cancelling a household help appointment is payable if:

  • You have used up the number of appointments you can cancel free of charge.
  • You cancel too late.

In these cases, it is prohibited by law to accept service vouchers. We charge a surcharge of the then applicable subsidised rate per region:

  • 28,07 euros per hour in Flanders
  • 28,37 euros per hour in the Brussels Capital Region
  • 29,36 euros per hour in Wallonia

Avoid charges

If you make a late notification, it is better to have the appointment go ahead anyway. If this is truly impossible, we will jointly discuss whether your household helper can make up the appointment(s) at another time.

What happens if my household helper is away?

Your household helper is away. Breathe in, breathe out and don't pick up those cleaning cloths just yet. Where we can, we'll arrange a replacement for you.

Your household help works from Monday to Friday, unless it is a statutory or replacement public holiday. Has your household help appointment been cancelled as a result? We will arrange for a replacement if you notify us in good time.

Does your household helper have a scheduled training day or leave? If so, we will notify you at least a week in advance. Let us know at that time if you would like a replacement and we will find one for you.

Is your household help ill or unexpectedly absent due to unforeseen circumstances? We will inform you as soon as possible. As it is difficult to find a replacement on the day itself, we will schedule a make-up day for you, if you wish.

How do I cancel my household help?

Would you like to cancel your contract? You can do so at any time. However, there is a cancellation period of one month. This allows us to bring everything to a close properly and to find another workplace for your household helper. You can submit your cancellation notice to your consultant through the Household Help app or by email. 

Have your schedule at your fingertips at all times

Communicate with your consultant, make a change to your schedule or give notice of holidays. It can all be done in the blink of an eye, with the Household Help app, no matter where you are. Download it here.


Do you have a question, comment or suggestion?

You'll find plenty of answers to practical questions on this page . Still have an unanswered question or suggestion? Contact us using the contact form. We will assist you as soon as possible.

Do you have a specific question about your household help? You can also request your consultant's contact details this way.

Contact us

Helan Onafhankelijk ziekenfonds

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