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Would you like to do voluntary work while you are incapacitated? It is possible to do so, provided you receive consent from health insurance fund's medical officer. You may only do unpaid or non-paying voluntary work.
Volunteering is an unpaid activity. You do voluntary and unpaid work for a not-for-profit organisation. An example of volunteering is selling flowers for Kom op tegen Kanker.
You do not get paid a wage as a volunteer. You may, however, occasionally receive an expense reimbursement. Even if you are incapacitated for work, you are allowed to receive limited expense reimbursements.
Track your benefit payments onMy Helan.
Request approval from the medical officer via the application form. You can send this to us digitally, or by post to Helan Ziekenfonds, Incapacity for Work Service (Dienst arbeidsongeschiktheid), Boomsesteenweg 5, 2610 Wilrijk.
The medical officer will consider whether volunteering is compatible with your medical condition.
If the medical officer at Helan Health Insurance Fund approves it, you can do the voluntary work. Your incapacity for work benefit will continue to be paid as usual.
Doing voluntary work does not affect your illness benefit. Do keep in mind the legal maximum amounts of any expense reimbursements you might receive. If you don't, you risk having to pay back your benefits for the days that you volunteered.
Helan Independent Health Insurance Fund is the insurance agent (n° CDZ 5006c) for ‘MLOZ Insurance’, the VMOB of Independent Health Insurance Funds, (Register of Legal Entities in Brussels, 422.189.629, recognised under no. CDZ 750/01 for branches 2 and 18). View the data sheet and the General Terms and Conditions. Belgian law applies to the insurance contract. The term of the contract is whole life. In the event of any complaint, contact the complaints department of Helan Health Insurance Fund or the insurance ombudsman. For more information about purchasing this/these product(s), please contact Helan Health Insurance Fund. Helan Onafhankelijk ziekenfonds, Boomsesteenweg 5, 2610 Wilrijk, 0411.696.011, RPR Antwerpen,