Return-to-work pathway

Have you been incapacitated for a while and would like to return to work? Do you want to return on a full-time or part-time basis? You can discuss this with your physician and submit a request to the health insurance fund. Would you rather have guidance? A return-to-work coach from Helan can support you on your return-to-work pathway.

What is a return-to-work pathway?

A return-to-work pathway is a voluntary process in which Helan provides you with guidance as you re-enter the workforce. This support is provided by a return-to-work coordinator. This could include reviewing and adjusting your work tasks, reviewing suitable training courses or looking for other work.

Would you like to return to work part-time and do not need additional support from a return-to-work coordinator to do so? That is also an option. Simply apply for your partial return to work yourself at the health insurance fund. In that case you do not have to start a return-to-work pathway.


What does a return-to-work coordinator do?

Return-to-work coordinators are there to guide you as you re-enter the workforce after a period of incapacity for work. This guidance may include adapted work, finding other work or finding a training course. The coordinators are certified by the NIHDI and do not work on their own. They are supported by a network of specialists. It is acollaboration between the medical officer, your attending physician, the workplace prevention service, and your employer or a career counsellor.

What are the eligibility criteria?

To be eligible for the return-to-work pathway you must fulfil two criteria:

  • You are employed, unemployed or self-employed and your incapacity has been recognised.
  • Your state of health, both physically and psychologically, is sufficiently good to allow you to return to work. If your state of health is not good enough for re-entry into the workforce, no pathway will start.


Who can begin on a pathway?

You can take the initiative and start a return-to-work pathway yourself, or the initiative can come from the health insurance fund's medical officer. The course of the pathway differs depending on who initiated it.

Important to know: If you resume work again part-time, with or without guidance from a return-to-work coordinator, don't forget to first submit your partial return to work request to Helan Health Insurance Fund.

On the initiative of the medical officer

The medical officer may refer you to a return-to-work coordinator for an initial consultation.

You will complete a questionnaire.

Ten weeks after the onset of your incapacity for work, the medical officer will ask you to complete a medical questionnaire. Return it fully completed to the medical officer within two weeks.

Do you need help completing the questionnaire? If so, please contact your health insurance fund (or the return-to-work coordinator).

In your fourth month of incapacity for work, the medical officer will make an initial estimate of your ability to return to work. The medical officer will do this based on your medical records and the completed questionnaire.

Based on the assessment, the medical officer may or may not refer you to the return-to-work coordinator for an initial meeting.

Within one month of the medical officer's advice, the return-to-work coordinator will organise an initial meeting with you. Your coordinator will explain the process and review the first steps with you.

Are you bound by an employment contract? In that case, the return-to-work coordinator will refer you to the prevention advisor/occupational physician. In all cases, this is done with your consent and with the necessary support. The back-to-work coordinator will suggest that you consult the prevention advisor/occupational physician before resuming work. After that, the reintegration process with your employer can begin.

On your own initiative

You can also contact Helan Health Insurance Fund's return-to-work coordinator yourself. The coordinator will then invite you for an initial consultation.

Request a meeting with a return-to-work coordinator.
  • This can easily be done digitally using this contact form.
  • Or call 02 422 44 92 and leave your name and phone number on the voicemail. A return-to-work coordinator will then call you back.

You may receive a questionnaire. Please complete and return it to the medical officer within two weeks.

The return-to-work coordinator will organise a first meeting with you within one month of your submitting the completed questionnaire to Helan. The coordinator will explain the process and review the first steps with you.

Do you have an employment contract?
With your consent, the return-to-work coordinator will refer you to the prevention advisor/occupational physician during the first meeting. This with a view to a consultation prior to your return to work or reintegration process with your employer. The return-to-work coordinator will support you in this process.

If you do not have an employment contract or are not referred to the prevention advisor/occupational physician?
In this case, the return-to-work coordinator will ask the medical officer for permission to initiate a return-to-work process with you.

Has the medical officer determined that your health does not permit starting a programme? Then the coordinator will arrange a new meeting with you within a month of the prior meeting. The coordinator will discuss the medical officer's assessment with you and possibly adjust the goal of the programme.

Returning to work without guidance is also an option

You can return to work with or without the guidance of a return-to-work coach. It is entirely up to you to decide. Either way, you will need to ask the health insurance fund for permission before you resume your professional activities. 

Back to Work Fund

Are you unfit for work and has your employer terminated your employment contract due to medical force majeure? Then you can apply to the NIHDI to obtain an allowance for specialised services such as career guidance or personalised coaching so that you can take effective steps towards work. The application only applies when the termination occurred from 1 April 2024 and must be submitted within 6 months of the termination date.

More info on this and the application form can be found on the NIHDI website. You can make this application on your own initiative or within the framework of a reintegration plan drawn up by a return-to-work coordinator of the health insurance fund.

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Helan Independent Health Insurance Fund is the insurance agent (n° CDZ 5006c) for ‘MLOZ Insurance’, the VMOB of Independent Health Insurance Funds, (Register of Legal Entities in Brussels, 422.189.629, recognised under no. CDZ 750/01 for branches 2 and 18). View the data sheet and the General Terms and Conditions. Belgian law applies to the insurance contract. The term of the contract is whole life. In the event of any complaint, contact the complaints department of Helan Health Insurance Fund or the insurance ombudsman. For more information about purchasing this/these product(s), please contact Helan Health Insurance Fund. Helan Onafhankelijk ziekenfonds, Boomsesteenweg 5, 2610 Wilrijk, 0411.696.011, RPR Antwerpen,