Is there an age limit on hospitalisation insurance policies?

For some insurance policies, an age limitation is applied. This means that you cannot purchase it if you are over a certain age. Read more about it on this page. 

What is an age limit?

An age limit means that you can purchase an insurance up to and including a certain age. This implies you cannot purchase the policy if you older than the age limit. 

Does Helan have an age limit?

Helan has three different hospitalisation insurance policies available: Hospitalia, Hospitalia Medium and Hospitalia Plus. With us, everyone is entitled to affordable insurance.

  • You can purchase Hospitalia at any age.
  • For Hospitalia Medium and Plus, an age limitof 65 years old applies.

Always have peace of mind with Hospitalia Continuity continuous coverage

Want to avoid surprises after retirement? Then consider Hospitalia Continuity, Helan's waiting policy. This policy ensures that you will be immediately and affordably reinsured if you lose your employer-sponsored hospitalisation insurance. Plus, there is no waiting period, no new medical questionnaire and no age-related surcharge.

Our advice: get our waiting insurance Hospitalia Continuity well before you retire. That way you can keep your premium as low as possible and maintain peace of mind. You can get this insurance up to the age of 64. Once you're a member of the insurance fund, you can switch easily to Hospitalia, Hospitalia Medium or Hospitalia Plus – whenever you want.


Uniterrupted insurance protection with Hospitalia Continuity

Discover our waiting policy